Friday, January 29, 2010

Some Reaction to 'Sorry I Like to Party'

"i liked the movie a lot, just watched it. is the version i watched the entire movie? what's happening with it?"
-Tao Lin (Author NYC)

"seemed sweet....felt 'endearing' to an extent where i was laughing at what some of the people did, also thought the end of the preview was really nice. [...] i could watch an hour and a half of that, easy. i thought maybe it wasn't over because stuff might have happened in the future with that girl. i really liked the movie."
-Brandon Gorrell (Author SEA)

"kinda like 'grey gardens' in the narrative style, + felt like a wndow into the bro psyche, 3Bs=booze, bitches, bikes A+"
-Parisa (Love/Sex Blogger SF)

"r u gay"
-Zachary German (Author NYC)

comments used w/o permission from emails and twitter. contact me if you feel you were misrepresented or if you feel i violated your privacy.

Friday, January 22, 2010


screened the movie w/ 100x beers + tacos, felt OK to positive

got rejected from SXSW, felt nothing

rumors that the film might be screened at art murmur in oakland, felt good

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Promotions Update for 'SORRY I LIKE TO PARTY'

Stats for Facebook event 'SORRY I LIKE TO PARTY' SCREENING + HouseWArming FEAST :

Attending: 28, included noted Oakland luminaries: 'Myle May' 'Billy' and 'Oldani'
Maybe: 9, including two people I would 'sleep with' if 'given the opportunity'
Not: 1
Awaiting Reply: 15
Number of previews linked: 2
Number of wall posts: 3

Eliseo and I eagerly await the admissions decision of SXSW (Feb.) and SIFF, SFintl (March).

We are planning to 'probably' go to Texas to promote the film regardless of SXSW. We will fly into Huston and borrow a car.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First large-scale screening of the movie

DOWNTOWN OAKLAND 14th and MLK - in a house w/rats 'chillin' in the backyard.

Saturday, January 16, 2010 ~8pm